Might I recommend reading the book entitled Facts, Artifacts and Counterfacts: Theory and Method for a Reading and Writing Course (ISBN 0-86709-135-5) by David Bartholomae and Antony Petrosky. Since the spring semester ended, I’ve been reading it and have some great … Continue reading
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- "To: Professor@University.edu Subject: Why It's All About Me" Email protocol for student-professor
- Accelerated Learning Program (ALP) The Community College of Baltimore County ALP is an innovative approach to basic writing programs that accelerates basic writing students through their developmental writing course and ENG 101 in one semester. ALP builds on the strengths of earlier approa
- Basic Writing e-Journal Basic Writing e-Journal is an electronic forum designed to help broaden our conversations about Basic Writing.
- College Basic Writing LISTSERV CBW-L is a listserv focused on basic writing and related issues. We welcome anyone who wishes to participate in an ongoing discussion of basic writing as it is studied and practiced in its historically rich and varied contexts
- Comp Facts from ComPile Excellent resources on the best practices and research of Basic Writing
- Council on Basic Writing Blog Resources on teaching Basic Writing
- Journal of Basic Writing The Journal of Basic Writing (JBW) publishes articles on theory, research, and teaching practices related to basic writing. Articles are refereed by members of the Editorial Board and the Editors.
- National Association of Developmental Education
- National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Teaching Composition: A Position Statement
- W7 The Accelerated Learning Program as an Evidence-Based Success Model, Blog posting Overview of Accelerated Learning Program from Baltimore
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- READ, UNDERSTAND AND APPLY YOUR SYLLABUS This video provides an overview of the content and structure of a college syllabus and discusses two strategies for using information contained on the syllabus to promote academic self-management and success.\ Here is a link to Google Calendar: http://ww